Unibo Summer Camps

Organized in collaboration with CUS Bologna

Live, play, connect!

Activities, games and training moments to connect through sport and live technology in a conscious way!


An educational path to help children develop a healthy and conscious relationship with the digital world, without giving up real experiences, sports and social relationships. The aim is to provide tools for safe online browsing, without losing sight of the importance of human contact, play and outdoor life.

  • Who Can Participate: Boys and girls born between 2010 and 2019
  • For Information: 📧 cusb.camp@unibo.it for Bologna | cusb.fo@unibo.it for Forlì
  • 🗓️ Period:
    - Bologna ➡️ 3 weeks from June 9 to June 27, 2025
    - Forlì ➡️ 4 weeks from June 9 to July 4, 2025
  • Weekly Sessions:
  1. June 9 - 13 (both in Bologna and Forlì)
  2. June 16 - 20 (both in Bologna and Forlì)
  3. June 23 - 27 (both in Bologna and Forlì)
  4. June 30 - July 4 (only in Forlì)
  • ⌚ Days & Times: Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM (Bologna) | Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM (Forlì)
  • 📍 Locations:
    - Bologna ➡️ Cultural and sports activities will take place at the CUS Record Sports Facility (Via del Pilastro, 8).
    - Forlì ➡️ Almagym Fitness Studio (Daily activities will be held at the Almagym facility within the University Campus Park).
  • Staff: Activities will be coordinated and conducted by CUSB educators and instructors, with support for workshops and educational activities from Alma Mater professors and researchers.
  • Registration Opening Dates:
    → March 17 for Technical Administrative Staff
    → March 20 for Teaching Staff
    → March 26 for the general public
  • How to Register: 
    For Bologna ➡️ send an email to cusb.camp@unibo.it addressed to Chiara Costi, specifying: Your category (Unibo Technical Administrative Staff/Unibo Teaching Staff/Non-Unibo), Full name and details of the minor, The weeks of participation, Whether payment will be made via bank transfer or in person at one of the CUSB offices.

    Once the email is received, the CUSB office will provide a cost estimate based on the selected weeks and indicate the two payment options:
    - Bank transfer
    - In-person payment at a CUSB office (only after sending the email request).

    For Forlì ➡️ 

    Send an email to cusb.fo@unibo.it specifying: Your category (Unibo Technical Administrative Staff / Unibo Teaching Staff / Non-Unibo), Your full name and complete details of the child, The weeks of interest for enrollment, Whether the payment will be made via bank transfer or in person at one of the CUSB offices.

    Once the email is received, the CUSB administration will provide a cost estimate based on the selected weeks, indicating the two available payment methods:
    - Bank transfer
    - In-person payment at one of the CUSB offices

    The person registering must belong to the Unibo category to benefit from the reserved rates. 
    Before sending the email, both the adult and the child must have CUSB membership, which can be completed online or in person at a CUSB office.
  • Required Documents for Registration:
    - CUSB Membership Card
    - Medical Certificate for non-competitive sports activities or the Green Sports Booklet issued by the pediatrician
    - Delegation and Allergy Form (downloadable attachment)
    - Photo/Video Consent Form (downloadable attachment)
  • Costs: WEEKLY FEES
    - Unibo Technical Administrative Staff: €115 per week
    - Unibo Teaching Staff: €145 per week
    - Non-Unibo Citizens: €190 per week

    Unibo Technical Administrative Staff: €85 per week
    - Unibo Teaching Staff: €100 per week
    - Non-Unibo Citizens: €125 per week

    *The weekly fee includes full-day attendance with sports and cultural activities, two snacks (mid-morning and mid-afternoon), and lunch.

    **The weekly fee for Forlì includes: full-day attendance with sports and cultural activities, three lunches, one swimming pool entry (packed lunch not included), and one off-site trip (packed lunch not included).