
CUS Bologna is an amateur sports association founded in 1946. It is part of the Italian University Sports Center (C.U.S.I.) which is in turn associated to the F.I.S.U. (International University Sport Federation), of which it is a founder member, and to the E.U.S.A. (European University Sport Association).

The main mission of the CUSB is to disseminate and enhance motor activity through basic and competitive sports within all the schools of the University of Bologna and the local territory, addressing a wide range of targets transversally: children, the elderly, amateurs and competitive players, the CUS Bologna is a point of reference and valid support for all.

The objectives of the CUSB include:

  • the dissemination of the sports culture and the ethical principles behind it
  • the enhancement of sport as a tool for aggregation and dialog in society
  • the promotion of the universal values sport can convey through socialization, respect for companions and adversaries, and human physical and mental well-being