
CUSB runs a range of sports activities, from water sports to team and individual sports, from martial arts to sports dance. A wide range of choices available in the various University of Bologna sites.

Sport seeks out fear to overcome it, fatigue to triumph over it, difficulty to win it.

⚠️ In order to participate in our activities, it is first necessary to become a member.

Membership in CUS Bologna is mainly to take advantage of the compulsory insurance coverage for sports practice. CUSB members will be able to participate in sports activities, take advantage of the benefits of the associations affiliated with it and use the facilities managed by CUSB.

Free with membership:

Two complimentary admissions to be used at your choice of CUSB courses and admissions at Alma Gym by CUSB
A 10 percent discount at the UniboStore.
Ascom's Più Shopping card that you can apply for free with exclusive discounts and promotions at more than 500 participating stores, bars and restaurants  

The CUSB card is valid for one Academic Year, membership will begin on September 1.

 For more information visit sito➡️ how to register for courses page

The sports courses are divided into CUSB Courses to which all CUSB MEMBERS can enroll and CUSB Convention Courses to which only CUSB MEMBERS students and university employees can enroll.

CUS Bologna has activated a series of sports conventions organized by important entities in the area, with the aim of offering the most varied and complete sports offer to its CUSB members (students and university employees) All our partners have been selected according to strict criteria of professionalism and service, discover them all!