The Ferrari Sports Center is the new home of the Flying disc athletes

The teams of the CUSB (both male and female) Champions of Europe will have a sports facility entirely dedicated to them. Through an agreement signed between the Navile District and the CUSB - University Sports Center of Bologna, field 1 of the Ferrari Sports Center (in via del Battiferro, 1) will be dedicated to the “Flying disc - Ultimate frisbee”.

In addition to the training of CUSB athletes, the field will host sports demonstrations, recreational activities also related to schools, exhibitions, meetings on good life practices and social inclusiveness. These are just some of the initiatives that will be put in place to animate the activity of the neighborhood and create a real positive induced around the field in numerical and qualitative terms. The system will be made available, during the morning hours, for schools in the area who request it.

"The agreement with the CUSB allows us to make the sports facility of Fondo Comini an increasingly place for social and sporting aggregation - explain Matteo Lepore, councilor for Sport and Daniele Ara, president of the Navile District - It will be a space available to citizens and of the residents in the neighborhood, also through the organization of sporting and cultural events and activities to be thought in synergy with the CUSB and all the subjects that operate in that area ".

"We are very happy with this agreement and look forward to starting the business. Bologna is one of the first cities to have a municipal field for the exclusive use of the Flying disc and it could not be otherwise: our teams are European Ultimate Champions and represent a point of reference not only from a competitive point of view but also in terms of programming, selection, growth of the nursery declares Piero Pagni, President of CUSB - Bologna University Sports Center - To this are added the many activities that the CUSB Flying Disc is carrying out on a social and educational level: from projects in schools to those related to gender inclusion and equity, to promote the values ​​of sport especially among the youngest ”.

Ph Credits: Gianni Schicchi